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Opioid Detox Toronto


Methadone is a type of opioid and can be used to relieve pain in the body. It is currently being used to reduce the withdrawal symptoms that narcotic drug users feel when coming off their drug of choice (eg. heroin or other narcotics).

These are called drug addiction detoxification and methadone maintenance programs. The user must take a dose of methadone daily to keep withdrawal symptoms at bay. If you are part of this maintenance program and you are still using other opioids or drugs then you may have a problem.

The point of our Methadone Detox program is to help you get off these narcotics. If you use more than the prescribed amount of Methadone, you are abusing the drug and therefore may be addicted to it. Short term effects can be anything from restlessness, nausea, vomiting and itchy skin to severe sweating, slow breathing, urinary difficulty, pupil contraction, constipation, muscle/body aches and impaired sexual performance.

In the long term, dependence is a major effect of long-term methadone use, and its unpleasant counterpart: withdrawal. After long periods of methadone use, a person who suddenly stops taking methadone will begin experiencing withdrawal effects usually 48 hours after the last dose.

Methadone Effects

These effects include sweating, cramps, muscle aches, nausea, chills, runny nose and intense cravings for more methadone. Many people experience lung and respiratory problems that can feel like a very bad cold or sinus infection. Also, the pain you can feel all over your body from not taking a pain killer any longer can cause the user to want to stay on this drug for longer than necessary.

Some people end up taking Methadone for many years after they need to because the withdrawal becomes unbearable. Freedom’s unique Methadone Detox approach Detoxification from methadone can be very successful with the proper knowledge, treatment and support. Freedom From Addiction staff one of the leading addiction specialists with an intensive knowledge of methadone.

FAQ about Methadone Detoxification Treatment in Toronto

If you or someone you know is considering enrolling in a feasible methadone detox program, then Freedom From Addiction is more than happy to answer all of your most pressing questions.

With our doctor’s knowledge and passion, those who decide to discontinue methadone will be under his care along with the rest of our medical staff to ensure the detoxification process is as comfortable as possible. We understand that the idea of methadone detox is very intimidating.

Here, Freedom From Addiction provides support from both our medical team and counselling team to help our clients through such a huge turning point in their lives. Freedom provides a safe medical detox that includes 24 hours, 7 days a week nursing care with doctors on cal

There’s no universal or set time limit for an effective methadone detox program to work. Every client’s circumstances and level of addiction are different. The length of the detox program depends largely on the extent and length of the client’s addiction. The whole point of the program is to remove all of the toxic substances from the client’s system gradually over an appropriate period of time and causing as little discomfort and pain as possible. That said, keep in mind that methadone is also an opioid and eventually your dosages will be gradually lessened over time, which means you’ll experience some withdrawal symptoms from that as well.

Enrolling in a methadone detoxification centre means that you’ll be under strict supervision. This is a much more prudent practice than attempting to administer methadone treatment yourself because you’ll be in a controlled environment and constantly surrounded by medical professionals whose sole intention is to help you overcome your substance abuse habit.

Enduring opiate withdrawal can be one of the most physically, emotionally, and psychologically trying experiences of your life. The physical symptoms usually subside within the first few weeks, whereas the emotional scars can last for years to come. Here are some of the symptoms you’re likely to experience during the initial withdrawal period: .Gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. .Severe mood swings .Insomnia .Teary eyes and a runny nose .Fatigue .Muscular pains and discomfort .Cold sweats, hot sweats, goosebumps

As long as you go through the withdrawal in a safe, medically controlled environment surrounded by healthcare professionals such as a methadone detoxification centre, then you won’t die from withdrawal. However, attempting to detox on your own accord could lead to a series of health problems and even mishaps. It’s better to undergo methadone detoxification in a renowned and trusted clinical setting where you will be carefully monitored by healthcare professionals.

There are approximately four phases involved in methadone detox: Early Symptoms: Methadone takes a long time to metabolize within the human body so you most likely won’t experience any symptoms until about 8-30 hours after your final dosage. Initial symptoms include all of the abovementioned ones and this will typically last anywhere from two to three days. Peak Symptoms: After about three to four days, your symptoms will begin to change, and you may begin to experience gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pains, aches and pains in your extremities, as well as cold and hot flashes. More than anything else, you’ll experience increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, and irritability. Gradually Decreasing Symptoms: At approximately the 10-day mark, you’ll begin to notice a decline in the intensity and frequency of the abovementioned symptoms, although you might still feel some grogginess, physical and emotional fatigue, anxiety, depression, and minimal cravings. Eventually, all of these side effects will decrease over time. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS): This symptom typically only affects clients who’ve been addicted to methadone and imbibing in the drug for long periods of time. This intense additional phase of methadone withdrawal typically leads to heightened and almost unbearable mental and emotional issues such as severe anxiety, depression, and extreme panic attacks. It also increases the risk of an epileptic episode in some people depending on the nature of their addiction and whether they were also using other substances alongside methadone. PAWS can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

As with any other substance abuse detoxification programs, the cost of methadone detox varies from one case to another. It largely depends on whether you choose to enroll in an inpatient (highly recommended) or outpatient program. Inpatient programs provide far greater security and an increased chance of success versus outpatient programs in which you’re mostly left to your own devices. The cost of the treatment is affected by duration, degree of addiction, frequency of drug usage, and whether or not you were imbibing in a combination of substances simultaneously.

Whether or not your private insurance company will cover the cost of your treatment depends on the stipulations of your specific healthcare plan. Some insurance companies are more than willing to either partially or completely cover the cost of certain substance rehabilitation treatment programs, while others might have very strict limitations on what they’ll cover. This is something you need to work out directly with your insurance company. In some cases, the methadone detoxification centre might even be willing to offer you an affordable payment plan.

If you enroll in an outpatient program, then you can detox at home and in some cases, you might even be allowed to take home a small dosage of methadone to administer privately. However, this isn’t generally recommended by most healthcare professionals because it increases the risk of accidental overdose and it could create a toxic home environment for yourself or your loved ones.

Yes, pregnant women who have an opioid addiction can undergo methadone detoxification as long as it’s in a controlled medical environment with constant access to healthcare professionals. Some pregnant women may be under the false impression that it’s perfectly safe for themselves and the fetus if they just quit cold turkey, but this can actually cause severe birth defects and endanger their unborn child.

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