Leading Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Toronto & GTA
Freedom’s Relapse Prevention Program is for those who have gotten clean but have not, however, demonstrated the ability to remain clean for long periods of time. The program is also suitable for individuals who are in crisis or who are prone to reverting to drug and alcohol abuse.
The decision to quit drinking or using drugs is the very first step on the long road toward recovery. Rebuilding your life will take time and patience—like any other major change. As you work towards this new goal, you may begin to realize that your problems didn’t end when you quit, or you might feel sad having to leave old friends and habits behind. These confusing feelings might lead to doubting your commitment to remain sober, despite knowing it is the right decision for you.
Freedom From Addiction provides education on relapse prevention in Toronto as part of our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs. Implementing a relapse prevention plan can help you plan for success when it comes to your sobriety.
What is Relapse Prevention?
Many people think relapse starts when you take that first sip of alcohol again, or when consuming any kind of drug. In reality, relapse begins when you first start to slip back into old behavioural patterns that promoted your addiction in the first place. These old patterns can lead to situations or interactions that trigger the temptation to use again. This can include attending certain social events or parties, being in the presence of certain people, or even the opposite and isolating yourself.
By planning ahead to handle the three stages of relapse can help figure out ways to handle these triggers and avoid temptation. The first two stages of emotional and mental relapse can happen before the physical relapse, which is when you “fall off the wagon” so to speak. Understanding these stages and how to cope with their unique obstacles can prevent the third stage from happening.
How does Relapse Prevention Work?
Freedom From Addiction’s Relapse Prevention Program in Toronto focuses on a wide array of activities, including problem-solving and skill-building. In addition, it may also utilize beneficial counselling tools such as psychotherapy or support therapy.
The program uses the teaching of Terry Gorski’s Relapse Prevention Plans. These plans involve nine steps to avoid relapse; stabilization, assessment, relapse education, warning sign identification, warning sign management, recovery planning, inventory training, family involvement, and the follow-up. One of our relapse prevention experts at Freedom From Addiction will work with you to ensure each step is thoroughly understood and utilized in making your plan for relapse prevention in Toronto.
Within these discussions, you can expect to focus on tips on how to avoid relapse, including but not limited to:
- Deal with feelings and problems as they arise, limiting the chance for stress or pressure to build up.
- Reduce stress by keeping to a structured and balanced routine.
- Identify high-risk situations and triggers, and plan how to handle them.
- Gain the support and trust of family, friends, co-workers, superiors, a counsellor or a support group.
Leaving a recovery program can be stressful and overwhelming, especially when you are not confident in your ability to remain sober. Since this time can be nerve-wracking for anyone seeking support, it is vital to be equipped with a plan should relapse occur.
Who can benefit from Relapse Prevention?
Freedom From Addiction’s Relapse Prevention Program is for those who have been clean but have not, however, demonstrated the ability to remain clean for long periods of time. The program is also suitable for individuals who are in crisis or who are prone to reverting to drug and alcohol abuse.
Additionally, Freedom From Addiction’s Relapse Prevention Program is suitable for anyone who has already relapsed.
Relapse Prevention at Freedom From Addiction
Freedom From Addiction’s team helps clients maintain their drug and alcohol-free state by imparting the skills needed to anticipate, identify and manage high-risk situations that may lead to a relapse. Through tried and tested relapse prevention plans, we will help you develop your own plan to prevent relapse. Our team of healthcare and addiction professionals helps clients maintain their drug- and alcohol-free state by imparting the skills needed to anticipate, identify, and manage a variety of high-risk situations that may lead to a relapse.
Contact us today to find out how Freedom From Addiction can help you manage your sobriety and prevent relapse in order to lead a happy and sober life.